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Gof twave Ss) T SOLUTIONS UI Development with Full Stack NAVEEN SAGGAM Oracle Certified Professional Ex. Tech Lead at infosys, Bengalore 10 yrs. of Industry Experience Tam committed to educate the most demanding Technologies in the current Software Industry with Corporate Infrastructure with Live Coding to gain the Hands-On Experience & transform the students to be a JOB READY! You Tube Channel: hitps: Facebook Page: https://www. facebook. com/saggam.naveen.3 GitHub Profile: hitps:// Personal Website: http:/uibrains. github io/ (or) http:/ Twitter Profile: a Mr. Naveen Saggam | Softwave iT Solutions | +91 - 98 48 93 46 46 HTMLS | CSS3 | JavaScript ES6 & ES7 | JQuery | AJAX | Typescript | Bootstrap 4 | Node JS | Express JS | Mongo DB | React JS | Angular| Unit Testing | GitHub | Web hosting | Resume Preparation | Mock Interviews UI Development Definition Ut Development is the process of developing Front End of any websites using various UI Technologies like HTML, CSS, JavaScript, JQuery, Bootstrap, and Angular JS for better interaction with a user and the tundertying system. Introduction to UI ‘There ate different names for Ul ike GUI, UI, UX and front End GUE => Graphical User Interface uy =) User Interface UX -> User Experience Fonténd -> The Font Look and Feel of any website Initial days of communication between two human beings, it required a language and body language. The same ifa person wants to communicate with a machine it requires the concept called. First we needs to understand why every software industry starts using the concept called Ui. For any kind of business or any product to reach the intended users it should have a proper website. The website or a mobile app is the only way to interact with any user. But here with a mobile app, a user can easily interact with the underlying system, but a user cannot install all the mobile apps in his mobile there may be a memory issue. The only best way is a website and If that website works like 2 mobile app then that will be more convenient for user. To develop a website for any underlying system we should learn Ul Technologies. The UI development is ‘the process of developing any website's front end using various UI Technologies. Ul Technologies is not a single technology, which is the combination of other and each different technologies. First we understand a website's architecture. 21 Mr. Naveen Saggam | Softwave IT Solutions | +91 — 98 48 93 46 46 Each website's architecture contains majorly 3 parts, such as Y) Client 2) Server 3) Database Let’s understand how the Facebook application works as per the above architecture. ‘A.User opens a Facebook login page in his client's browser and clicks on ‘login’ button. Then that browsers collects the form data and sends a HTTP request to a Facebook server, ‘The Facebook server performs some processing and checks the user verification with the Facebook database. The Facebook database executes few SQL queries and gets the user data and confirms the user verification with the Facebook server. Facebook server collects the user data and prepares the complete Facebook page and sends back to client’s browser, so that the user can able to see his Facebook page with complete Notifications, Chat information and friend requests. Here we have to understand the purpose of client, server and database is completely different. To develop the client side UI, server side code and Database design we should require different kinds of technologies. ‘Technologies required for web development ree iTML - css Java MySQL Database JavaScript PHP DB2 from IBM JQuery , AJAX Node JS , Express JS SQL Server Bootstrap SAP Mongo DB Angular / Angular JS Sales Force Firebase 31 Mr. Naveen Saggam | Softwave IT Solutions | +91 — 98 48 93 46 46 ‘As.a Ul Developer we are responsible to develop the complete front end of any website. For this we are learning the Client side technologies / UI Technologies. Let's understand the brief introduction about the UI technologies, HTML HTML stands for Hypertext markup language which is used to structure a webpage, We use HTML just to define the structure of a webpage with some basic styles. css (58 stands for Cascading Style Sheet. The CSS is used to present the data on the webpage. CSS is used to override the default styles of HTML and apply various styles to a webpage. JavaScript JasaScriptis a Client side programming language Which is used to display dynamic data on a webpage using the concept called DOM Manipulation. JQuery JQuery is a library of JavaScript, which is also used to display dynamic data on a webpage in a simplified manner and DOM Manipulation and CSS Manipulation AJAX calls ina simplified manner. AJAX AJAX stands for Asynchronous JavaScript and XML, this isa client side programming technique to update the specific parts of a webpage without reloading the whole browser. Here we use @ built in browser's object called XMLHttpRequest Object. Bootstrap This is a Frameworkof HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. The Core features of Bootstrap is Responsiveness and Mobile first approach. Th is the world’s most popular front end framework for responsive web applications development any website developed by using Bootstrap, which works properly in all the browsers , ail the devices and all the operating systems, This is most popular JavaScriat framework developed and maintained by Google. We use Angular JS to develop rich client side applications with complex logics. We can simplify the complex front end logics by using MVC architecture and two-way data binding. This Angular JS framework is best suitable for Single page applications. al Mr. Naveen Saggam | Softwave IT Solutions | +91 — 98 48 93 46 46 Understanding Web Development Development Team Client Side > Ulbesigner UI Developer Let's understand how a software company gets the projects and how they starts the development of the projects. Alient Organization required a website for their business, For this they approaches @ software company. Client Organization wants to create a website, but they don’t have proper idea of the website can be built for their requirement. Software Organization forms a project management team which contains project architect, Project Manager, Business Analysts and few senior software engineers. The Software Organization sends the Project Management tear to the main branch of Client organization for the complete study of the requirement. Once the complete analysis is done, the project management team prepares ¢ document called Requirement Document, Once the Requirement document is finalized then The Project Architect decides the technologies to be used to develop the project, he decides the technologies to be used for client side, server side and database side technologies. once the Technology Stacks ready, they recruits or forms development team forthe project. The Development tear contains thee types of developers such as 2) Client Side Developers 2), Server Side Developers sl Mr. Naveen Saggam | Softwave IT Solutions | +91 — 98 48 93 46 46 3) Database Developers At the client side, there are again two kinds of software Engineers like Ul Designers, UI Developers. Fest the requirement document is shared with Ul Designer. UL Designer understand the complete Requirement document and he proposes two or three designs using his creative skills and with UI Design knowledge with the required UI Design tools. Once the designs are ready, Client selects a design for the project. ‘nce the design is ready, UI Designer prepares a design Document and shares with Ul developer. Now Ul developer gets the Ul Design document and starts the development of the complete front end of the projec. Environments for any Project Development ‘There are various stages or environments for every projects development as follows, | oo g — /—vevEnvironment UATEnvronment PROD Environment Cle UNET Testing Testers Live Environment Local 3 For every project development there may be three or four developers for Ul. Each developer has to evelop their code in the local environment. The company provided Desktop of laptop where the development project starts is called as Local environment. Before starting any project, all the developers has to install the required technologies setup or software in their local environment. This process is called as deveiopment environment setup. ‘Once the setup is ready then all the developers start development of the project in their local environments, Once the development is ready in thelr local environments they will integrate the code in DEV Environment, (Once the code is integrated with the server side and database code, all the developers will perform one round of testing thisis called as Unit Testing. (Once Unit testing is finalized then they will push the code to UAT environment. 61 Mr. Naveen Saggam | Softwave IT Solutions | +91 — 98 48 93 46 46 UAT stands for User Acceptance Test, this is the environment is accessible forall the testers of the project. In this environment all the testers will apply few testing techniques like integration testing and smoke testing. (Once the testing is finalized then the code is ready to push to PROD Environment. This environment is the last stage of any project development, this is also called as LIVE Environment. This environment is accessible to all the customers of the client organization, Types of Software Companies ‘The software companies are dvided into 3 categories majorly, they are a follows, Services Based Software Company Any software company which develop software or websites for a particular Client is called as Service Based software companies. A Website which is developed for a particular client is applicable for that client only, which will not works for anyother clients. ‘A person wants to work under Services Based software company they should require hands on experience on the respective technologies. Ex: TCS, IBM, HCL, and Wipro Product Based Software Company ‘Any software company which develops software or product not for a particular client, i's for the Universal clients is called as Product Based Software Companies. These software will be developed to be useful for all the users around the world, ‘A Person wants to work under Product Based Software Company he shouki be the Master of the respective technologies Ex: Google (Google Drive, Google Maps, Gmail, YouTube, Google Duo, Google Tez ) Microsoft (MS Office, Operating System, Net language, Visual Studio Editor, Azure Cloud) Oracle (Oracle Database, Java Language, Weblogic Server) Note: There are few software companies comes under product based as wel as Product based lke Oracle, Wipro, HCL, IBM etc Solution Based Software Company ‘Any Software companies which researches the current market trends and analyses the currents Market needs and they come up with an innovative solutions with their products / Websites is called as Solution based Software Company. 7 Mr. Naveen Saggam | Softwave IT Solutions | +91 — 98 48 93 46 46 A person wants to work under Solution based Software Company, He should be able to create new Ianguage or Technology or Tool. Usually Each Solution based companies uses their own software tools. Ex: Amazon, Facebook, Uber, Redbus, Swiggy etc Roles of UI Designer UL Designer interacts with the project management team as well as Business Analysts. He understands the complete Requirement document and he propases an innovative solutions with for better user Experience with his UI Design tools. Skill Set Complete understanding of project's work flow Good Presentation skis Hands on experience on Photoshop Innovative & Creative Ideas Basic knowledge of HTML & CSS. Roles of UI Developer Ul Developer interacts with Project Management Team and Ut Designer. He understands the complete projects workflow as well as UI Design He is responsible to develop the complete frontend of the project. Skill Set Good Programming Skills Hands on experience on the technical sil of U Analytical skills applied with technologies. Complete understanding of the project workflow. al Mr. Naveen Saggam | Softwave IT Solutions | +91- 98 48 93 46 46 Tools used to the web Development Cert Microsoft / Notepad++ ~~) Notepad plus plus Free ‘Atom Editor ae GitHub ae Free Brackets Editor ‘Adobe Systems : Free Visual Studio Code Microsoft Free Sublime Text Sublime Semi Licensed Webstorm Jet Brains Fully Licensed Dream Weaver ‘Adobe Systems Fully Licensed Development Environment Setup In this setup we will install the required software and editors in our laptop or desktop and proceed with the development of any project. In this setup we are going to install the following softwares, 1) Notepade+ 2) Nodes 3) Webstorm 4) Download Source code Installation of Notepad++ Go to Google and type ‘notepad++’ of go to official website le Mr. Naveen Saggam | Softwave IT Solutions | +91 — 98 48 93 46 46 Go to "Google" -> type "notepad" Go to hitps://notepad-plus-plus.ore/ click on "download" button select the download options like (32 bit / 64 bit) Click on the "installer" link it downloads a .exe' file double click on the downloaded file Proceed with default installation. yvvyvyvyY Installation of Node JS Please follow the below steps to install Node JS > Goto"Google" > type ‘node js" > Goto https://nocejsorg/en/ 10} Mr. Naveen Saggam | Softwave IT Solutions | +91 — 98 48 93 46 46 Nodes? sa JavaScript runtime built on Chrome's 8 JavaScrigt eng Download for Windows (x64) RE er aria click on "8.12.0" Green color button it downloads a ‘msi file double click on ‘sms file Proceed with the defautt installation, yyy Verification of Node JS Installation > Goto"command prompt” type ‘node -v' to get the version of Node JS ic: \Users\NAVEEN SAGGAM>node -v ieee es > once you get the version, itis installed successfully > type ‘npm -v'to get version of NPM ee A elas aba Sava keno Oe > once you get the version, itis installed successfully > Now you can install lve server! stallation of Live % goto "Command Prompt" type ‘apm install -g live-server" (with internet connection) nt Mr. Naveen Saggam | Softwave IT Solutions | +91—98 48 93 46 46 Once itis installed, we can check the version of it by using > ‘live-server-v' > Here we get the version as live-server 1.2.0" NIE Waa merece | ive-server -v| live-server 1.2.0 How to start live server > Goto "Command Prompt” > Goto "projects folder" type ‘lve ‘This wil start the live server and open the browser automaticaly, With the given address as "" vvy How to download Webstorm IDE > You can download the Webstorm IDE from the official website as mentioned below. > hreos/Avww. RI Mr. Naveen Saggam | Softwave IT Solutions | +91 - 98 48 93 46 46 Wobstorm a tery acs Dain Fah > Download Source for the HTML Development > goto “google” > type "naveen saggamn" > go to > click on "HTML_Template” > Click on "Clone or Download” green color button, > It downloads a '2ip' file > Extract the zip and create a folder structure Now let's starts Integrate the above source code with the Webstorm IDE and starts with the project Development. > First we have to extract the Zip file of “HTML_Tempiate” > Go to “HTML Starter_Files” Folder > Copy the address of this folder 'D Go to Webstorm, click on fle -> open -> paste the address of this folder > The HTML stater_files will be loaded to the Webstorm, Bt Mr. Naveen Saggam | Softwave IT Solutions | +91 — 98 48 93 46 46 > Now let's start with the HTML Learning, aa |eare Mr. Naveen Saggam | Softwave IT Solutions | +91 - 98 48 93 46 46 HTML Introduction HTML Stands for Hypertext markup language, this is one of the core language to develop any website among CSS and JavaScript. We can use the HTML for structuring of a webpage and itis. a static programming language. Any HTML document contains an extension of .html’ or ‘.htm’ which can be run on any browser. AHTMIL document contains full of HTML tags and these tags will be parsed by browser and the actual content will be displayed on the browser. Please note that, the HTML tags will not be displayed on the browser and only the content on between the tags will be displayed on the browser. Here browser is responsible to parse the HTML tags and display content on the webpage or browser. HTML isa static programming language to display some static content on the webpage. The content can be a paragraph or headings or images without any styles. ‘The meaning of static is, if any content which is developed by using HTMLis always static, ‘means that content will never change even for multiple reloads of the browser. We can’t be able to produce any dynamic content just by using HTML, We can apply the dynamic nature by using the language called JavaScript. Structure of HTML Document as] Mr. Naveen Saggam | Softwave IT Solutions | +91 ~98 48 93 46 46 The complete HTML document is represented by the tag called and it contains two parts. as follows, 1) Head Section 2), Body Section Head Section ‘The Head Section of a HTML document is represented with the tag called . Any textual head section. configurations information and few JavaScript Configuration. Body Section The Body section of HTML document is represented with the tag called . Any textual ce ee 2 This is one of the important section to display any content on the webpage. Any websites visual area of content will comes under body section. We must write any visual content which we wants to show up on the webpage we must write those tagsin body section only. HTML First Application The basic HTML Document structure looks as follows, 1 welcome to HTML MMen™> Good Morning HTML 161 Mr. Naveen Saggam | Softwave IT Solutions | +91 - 98 48 93 46 46 The above example line number 1 describes the document type. It informs the browser that all the following tags are from HTML and parse and display them as per HTMLS way on the browser. Line number 2~ 12 indicates the complete HTML Document. And line number 2is the start tag of HTML and line number 12 is the end tag of HTML Line number 3 ~ 6 indicates the head section of a HTML Document, this contains some Meta information, ttle, few CSS and JavaScript Configuration Line number indicates the Meta information where the character set to be used for a HTML which is the most popular standard given by Unicode Consortium to support almost all languages character set. Line number § indicates, the actual title of the webpage and this title will be displayed in the TAB of the browser of any website. Line Number 711 indicates, the body section of any HTML Document. Any visual content Which is displayed on the webpage is from the body section of HTML Document. Line Number 9 indicates, the main heading of any webpage in HTML Document. ‘Good Morning HTML will be displayed on the webpage. As follows, 26/01 HTML. Headings.ieml Good Morning HTML Rules for writing HTML Document: ‘> Each content which Is displaying on the webpage should be written in between a htm tag only. > Allthe htm! tags to be written in lowercase only. > Always add an end tag if required, means for some HTML tags / elements are not having a close / end tags. We needs to add an end tag if itis required. Example:
, tags will not have end tags. Note: in HTML language HTML tag and HTML Elements are both one and the same. Sometimes we may call it as HTML Tag and sometimes we may call it as HTML Element. HTML Attributes The HTMLattributes provides an additional information to the HTML Tags, elements. Allthe HTML Elements may have attributes but not all the html elements will have same attributes. AIIHTML Attributes comes with key and value pairs. AIIHTML Attributes should be added to the start tag only. v7 Mr. Naveen Saggam | Softwave IT Solutions | +91 - 98 48 93 46 46 Example: and in the body section each cell is represented with the tag called and finally each row of a HTML table is, represented with the tag called . Note: For Each HTML table, defining and is optional. Without these tags also we can be able to display a table. If we are planning to apply any styles related to head and body section of a table, for this we may use and tags. For any HTML Table by default no borders will be displayed on the browser, we can display the borders using CSS. Les understand the HTML code to display the above table on the webpage. stable width="1008"> eth>sNo ADDRESS ctd>ic/td> John std>US ctr> 261 Mr. Naveen Saggam | Softwave IT Solutions | +91 — 98 48 93 46 46 2 Yong Japan 3 Naveenc/td> India Simple Table 7 en 7 z ion ee at For every HTML table, we use two special attributes to combine two or more rows or columns. Colspan The HTML Colspan attribute used to combine two or more number of columns of a table We normally use this for elements. Let’s understand the Colspan, ctable nidth-"100%"> ethead> ‘cth>sning/th> "NAHE R ADDRESSC/th> an stdiestd> tab tohne/td> ctdsuseste> ctdoapanesta> cites tes ctabscste> ‘tdotiovecnc/ a> Stivindiae/td> cites eitables Wires Mr. Naveen Saggam | Softwave IT Solutions | +91 ~ 98 48 93 46 46 ‘Table with Col Span 7 =e = ni 2 ae Troe Rowspan . The Rowspan is used to combine two or more number of rows. We normally use this attribute with tag, Example: table witthe"100K"> cehead> thosiioeysh> ‘thotatiec/th> : “tho ADDRESS ¢/th estes ethody> td rouspane"2926/ tay etdsJohne/td> tds used este) ctasyonge/td> Etdodapanc/ta> etap2estd> Ctdbtiaceenc/tas stubIndios/td> estes) ey tbady> backzround-color: red; color! afte; Aoble widthe"100%" Soe thead> ‘ethosnine/th> “StHDHNEC/ths ‘UIDADDRESS¢/ tho Sthody> Sfvoiy> table] (Custom Table with CSS : on psc z Peer cmos HTML Links In HTML we can convert normal text into a clickable link or hyperlink or hypertext is by using tag, The hyperlinks are the clickable links and once we click on those links the control will jumps to the specified href location. We identify the hyperlinks with respect to normal text, as for hyperlinks when we hover a mouse on them it automatically turns into a hand symbol. Not only the text will be converted to hyperlinks, we can even convert an image also a hyperlink and once we click on the image the control will jump to the specified location in the bref attribute. Example: Google In the above example the word “Google” is converted as a hyperlink and once we click on this link then control jumps to google website. We can even give the websites local links for the href attribute of tag so that the control uit jump to the local links of the webpage. Example: 291 Mr. Naveen Saggam | Softwave IT Solutions | +91 — 98 48 93 46 46 Home Contact For HTML links there is an important attribute called ‘target’ and which specifies where to open the linked document. ‘The target attribute contains the following values, _blank - Opens the linked document in a new window or tab “self - Opens the linked document in the same window/tab as it was clicked (this is default) “parent - Opens the linked document in the parent frame “top - Opens the linked document in the full body of the window Amazon We can even convert a normal image as hyperlink as follows, We even use hyperlinks as a HTML bookmarks. HTML bookmarks are used to allow readers to jump to specific parts of a Web page. Bookmarks can be useful if your webpage is very long .To make a bookmark, You must frst create the bookmark, and then add a link to it. When the linkis clicked, the page will scroll to the location with the bookmark. Example: First we have to create bookmark with Id attribute and then add an attribute to link to that bookmark to jump to specified part of the webpage. Example: chi id "100"> home">Home Page Go to Home HTML Entities ‘The HTML Entities are used to display some of the reserved characters and few symbols on the webpage. For every HTML document it contains some of reserved characters like < and >. syntax: Sentity_name; or ss < ait; > > Copyright symbol copy; Reg Trademark Breg: $ 8436; Rupee Symbol 8418377; 30| Mr. Naveen Saggam | Softwave IT Solutions | +91 - 98 48 93 46 46 Example: cha>This is @ 81; Paragraph aets This is a < Paragraph > Infosys®
Infosys® Copyright © 2018 Copyright © 2018 HTML Iframes: HTML Iframes are used to display a webpage within another webpage. Using an Iframe a webpage is loaded within then frame of another webpage. syntax: Each | Frame is having its own width and height, we can specify our own height and width for an iframe. &x Note: We normally use Iframe tag to display a YouTube video on our own webpage. How to display a YouTube video on our own web page > Goto YouTube > Select a video to display on the webpage. > Click on ‘share’ link Click on ‘Embed! link > Select the Embed Options > Copy the